Art by Tony Seker - Claxon du Soleil


Fine Arts

About Us

Tony H. Seker is a Fort Lee resident and is actively involved in the metro area art scene. He has won multiple juried awards for his abstract art and exhibited in numerous galleries, primarily in the NYC area. His bold style has been compared to the legendary German artist Gerhard Richter, although in fact it was inspired by his childhood refugee experience. Tony's art can be found at the Piermont (NY) Flywheel Gallery and he also has gallery representation in Paris and Dubai. You can find Tony's work scattered about Fort Lee, including at Pure Bliss Yoga & Art. Tony serves as VP for the Fort Lee Artist Guild. Tony previously lived in London & Paris, and he has collectors in the U.S. Europe and the Middle East. You can learn more about him on his website & follow his art activities on Instagram & Facebook @ClaxonDuSoleil.

Rep/Contact Info

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Tony Seker